SYMMICTM Users Manual
Version 3.1.6
(TM) Trademark 2008 CapeSym, Inc.

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Creating Layouts

A layout is created from a device template by selecting Create layout... from the File menu. This opens a dialog that asks whether an array of devices should be created. Choosing the Skip button will create a layout with the original template as its first and only device. Pressing the Make array button will create a layout with multiple copies of the device as specified by the dialog. In either case, the created layout is displayed in the Device Layout Table where it can be further modified as described in the next section.

In the above example an array of six devices, 3 in the x-direction by 2 in the y-direction, is to be created. The center of first device in the array is position at (500,1000) relative to the lower left corner of the layout. The centers of the other devices are located at (1100,1000), (1700,1000), (500,1500), (1100,1500), and (1700,1500), and placed in that order. Make sure that the devices (including boundaries) will fit within the space allotted, otherwise device locations will be shifted when the layout is finally assembled. Final assembly occurs when the Device Layout Table is exited by the OK button. The following figure depicts these array creation settings applied to the generic FET template.

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